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One of the inescapable concepts in PR right now is working with Influencers.

For today, we’re going to take the easy way out and leave the debate for another time – what is an influencer, where do they exist, and who or what do they even influence?

Instead, we’re looking at a fun use of a YouTuber in a PR campaign, the infamous Hydraulic Press Channel. The premise is as the eponymous name suggests, simple and straightforward – take an object, and see how it copes under an industrial hydraulic press. Helped all the more by the charismatic couple who run the channel.

There’s a tendency to over-complicate ideas when using influencers, making them fit to a brand instead of the other way around.

Not so with the latest efforts to promote the new superhero film, Logan. The first full trailer came out in October, so how do you keep things fresh in February just ahead of the release? With a simple and fun tie-in on the Hydraulic Press Channel. Recent videos on the channel have had 400k views, but the Logan video has seen that number race over 5 million.

Great idea, well-executed.